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Dr. David G. Williams - Traducere din: ALTERNATIVES For The Health Conscious Individual Mountain Home Publishing   Vol. 7, No. 15

Chimioterapia in cancer si Perspectivele pentru Hrana Functionala
Interviu cu Dr. Mamdooh Ghoneum (Profesor la UCLA/Colegiul Medical Drew- Los Angeles/ SUA).

Fitoterapia utilizand extractul de orez derivat Arabinoxilan
Interviu cu Ben L. Pfeifer, M.D.,PhD, Profesor si Director al Clinicii de Cercetare, Aeskulap Cancer Center (Elvetia)

Efectele imunitatii crescute asupra cancerului dovedit utilizand activitatea celulei NK si markerilor tumorali

Un caz in care alimentatia imunomodulatorie si terapia antioxidanta a fost eficace in cazul unui cancer de prostata avansat. (limba engleza)
Autor: Serge Jurasunas [2005], (Institutul Holiterapias)
Intensificarea activitatii celulelor umane NK prin Extractul Arabinoxylan modificat din tarate de orez (MGN-3). (limba engleza)
Autor: M.Ghoneum [1998], (Jurnal: Jurnalul International de Imunopatologie)

Usefulness of “BioBran” (Rice Bran Arabinoxylan compound) in improvement of hyperglycemia
Potential inhibition of hyperglycemia through a mechanism of action different from that of conventional dietary fibers
(CLINIC magazine 2007.10)(limba engleza)

Activation of Immune Function May Allow Combination with Standard Therapies (limba engleza)
Case studies of patients who used “BioBran” (rice bran Arabinoxylan compound)
(CLINIC magazine 2007.3)

Hepatic Impairment Inhibiting Effect of BioBran (limba engleza)
Interview with Dr. Hiroo Sanada (Professor of Department of Bioproduction Science, Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University) (Medical Academy News 2006.3.11

Prospects for Cancer Prevention by Controlling Chronic Inflammation (limba engleza)
BioBran (Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Derivative) (Medical Topic 2006.1

Cancer Chemotherapy and Prospects for Functional Foods (limba engleza)
Interview with Dr. Mamdooh Ghoneum (Professor of UCLA/Drew Medical College) (Medical Academy News 2005.9.11

Approaching Multiple Myeloma using Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Derivative (limba engleza)
Immunomodulatory functions may be useful in combination with existing therapies (CLINIC magazine 2004.11

"Phytotherapy" Herbal Therapy using Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Derivative (limba engleza)
Possible new approach to prolonging life, pain relief, and improvements in QOL in prostate cancer (CLINIC magazine 2004.9

Accumulating Evidence from Basic & Clinical Studies (limba engleza)
Report of the Latest Findings on BioBran (Medical Academy News 2004.5

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